Our pricing is based on the square footage of the area to be tested. Most mold surveys in single-family homes under 1000 square feet will cost between $275 and $350, while homes over 2000 square feet will cost between $350 and $450.
We will remove the most stubborn odors from your home, automobile, motor home, boat, and any other areas where odors can hide and develop into an unbearable situation. Most applications take 3-5 hours to complete
When Necessary, the search for more invasive TVOC's (Total Volatile Organic Compounds', over 400 chemicals identified), will require 3 hours of sample collection and will cost $550 to $750 PER SAMPLE TAKEN.
Every service call is processed in the same professional manor. Certified lab. reports are available within 48 to 72 hours of sample collections.
Service Areas
" We are proud American Veterans providing the very best Indoor Air Quality Testing for our existing and new clients with 19 years of training, certifications and on site experience."